Big Brother Instinct: Hachirou is the elder of the twins and he is fiercely protective of Hibiki to the point of engaging a Joujinshu assassin in genuine rage when Hibiki is threatened. Not many tears when Shichigen's mother cuts him down, albeit when she's forced to take a blow for Shichigen that costs her life. And when young Shichigen sees the struggle and tries to interfere, the man tries to attack him, too. Asshole Victim: The samurai in Shichigen's flashback pays Shichigen's mother for sex, then tries to cheat her by giving her less money than they initially agreed upon before attempting to drag her to an inn to service others there. Aloof Big Brother: Hachirou keeps himself apart from Hibiki as he ponders what to do about the Joujinshu, not even speaking to her after saving her life, which causes Hibiki considerable angst.
All the young Flowers are capable warriors as well, with varying skills.
Action Girl: Namenba is a veteran ninja and combatant. Neutralizing eye contact or feeling no hostility whatsoever will make his eyes utterly useless. Achilles' Heel: Hachirou's eye power is only effective if he can A.